
The client will be supported in every step of using the software, through the following levels:


level of support:

Electronic support and generated knowledge built into the software itself (expert system) The software solution will navigate you from the first to the last step through the software components. The solution itself functions as an expert system, generating prior information in certain categories, generating a knowledge base, thereby increasing the ability to select predefined suggestions/ specific practical guidelines for the users. This embedded software support makes the solution very simple and easy to use.


level of support:

After the activation of the license code for the software or the purchased software modules, you will be able to request technical support via ticketing system. We will assist you in resolving any problem of technical issue that you may have experienced. Technical support is included in the price of the software solution, according to the Pricing policy.


level of support:

*Consulting support will be provided on request, according to the Customer support policy and charged per consulting hour, according to the Pricing policy.
*Internal auditor training will also be provided on request.


BEST is a Quality Management System (QMS) software that helps companies automate quality management and assures compliance with the ISO 9001 standard.

BEST is a cloud – based software solution available 24/7. Our team takes care about the hardware, operating system, maintenance, and backups.

After you have purchased the ISO software solution, you will receive an e-mail confirmation for activation of your license code to use the software and you will be directed to the software Login page.

BEST is only accessible through desktops, laptops, tablets.

When You activate your account, by clicking the LOGIN button, you will get access to the Home page where you can find Technical manual and user guidance which will guide you descriptively through the software’s modules and functionalities.

Yes, if you are interested in a free presentation and preview of the software before the purchase, please contact us on our Contact form.

The charging is monthly. You have an option to purchase one of the 3 packages of the software solution (Basic, Advanced or Premium). The pricing and discounts are described in our PRICING POLICY.

Yes, you can upgrade the previously purchased package to the next higher package, which will be subject to additional charges, according to our PRICING POLICY.

If you want to cancel a full refund is available only within 72 hours after the purchase. After the expiry of this period no refund is available. The refunding conditions are described in our REFUND POLICY.

Yes, we offer two types of customer support: Technical support through a ticketing system and Consultancy support through our contact form. The customer support is described in our CUSTOMER SUPPORT POLICY.

Yes, the protection of your personal data is described in our DATA PRIVACY POLICY.

The Business Excellence Solutions team manages the backup process for you.

An automated backup is performed and can be restored at any time. The backup is multi regional with redundancy and multi-vendor with redundancy. Contact us for more details on the backup process.

Yes, you can take a backup of any document that includes its data and all attached files at any time and download it to your computer. (Every document needs to be downloaded separately).

Professional consultation


*Consulting support will be provided on request, according to the Customer support policy and charged per consulting hour, according to the Pricing policy.

There are three predefined levels of consulting support: Basic, Advanced and Premium, according to Customer support policy.Following are the included services for each consulting support level:

Basic consulting support refers to providing three online consultancy meetings per year. The price for this consulting support level is shown on our web site at the pricing page.

Advanced consulting support refers to providing up to six online consultancy meetings per year and an internal audit support. The price for this consulting support level is shown on our web site at the pricing page.

Premium consulting support refers to providing up to nine online consultancy meetings per year, an internal audit support and pre-certification support. The price for this consulting support level is shown on our web site at the pricing page.